// --------------------------------------------------------------- // Javascript for The Plaza - Home Page Slideshow // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- // On Page Load, Do the Following // --------------------------------------------------------------- $(document).ready(function () { $('#slideshow img, .text, .btn').css({ 'opacity': 0, 'display': 'block' }); //slideNav(); slidePicker(); }); // Sequence // --------------------------------------------------------------- $slideOrder = ['location', 'sustain', 'amenities', 'workday']; i = 0; function slidePicker() { boxAnimate(i); $timer = setTimeout(slidePicker,9000); } // Box Animation // --------------------------------------------------------------- function boxAnimate(which) { i = which; var $subject = $slideOrder[which]; var speed = 500; var delay = 0; //--------------- $('#textBox > img.active').delay(delay * 3).animate( { 'opacity': '0' }, speed ); $('#textBox > img.active').removeClass('active'); $('#textBox > img.' + $subject).delay(delay * 3).animate( { 'opacity': '1' }, speed ); $('#textBox > img.' + $subject).addClass('active'); // Advance to next slide //--------------- if (i === ($slideOrder.length - 1) ) { i = 0; } else { i = i + 1; } }